Oasen Gärdet

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Oasen Gärdet is a delightful studio located in Stockholm’s Gärdet district, part of the prestigious Östermalm area, one of the islands that form the city. This serene and private space is perfect for yoga, various health practices, and overall well-being. Though situated in a souterrain, the studio is enhanced by its windows to the outside, soft ambient lighting, and Scandinavian-inspired design, creating a warm and peaceful ambiance.

Participants in our training programs will have exclusive access to the entire studio during sessions, ensuring a focused and undisturbed experience.

The space includes a well-equipped practice area with high-quality mats and props, as well as a tea kitchen for relaxation and recharging.

One of the standout features of this location is its proximity to the expansive Gärdet park, an ideal spot for taking refreshing walks during lunch breaks or finding moments of inspiration in nature. A short walk will also bring you to the waterfront, where you can enjoy the calming presence of the sea.

Conveniently located with excellent public transport links, Oasen Gärdet combines practicality with tranquility, making it an ideal setting for personal growth and transformation.


Oasen Gärdet
Värtavägen 35
115 29 Stockholm

The studio entrance is at the back of the building


Hébergement possible, ce qui peut être nécessaire pendant le séminaire ou la formation. Si vous avez besoin de plus d’aide, contactez-nous

Biz Apartment Gärdet

Sandhamnsgatan 67
115 28 Stockholm

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